App your way to exam success!

Calling all serial procrastinators! Are you searching for a way to cure your phone addiction? How about turning the source of all distractions into your new source of motivation? Here’s a list of the best study Apps on the block to help you stay focused and productive without having to peel your beloved phone from your fingertips.


Forest App logo

Plant a virtual seed as you sit down to study, and behold as the seed flourishes into a beautiful tree! However, give into temptation and click off the app even for a second, and your tree dies. Every tree you successfully grow is planted in your forest, each representing a period of productivity and focus. What’s more, Forest partners with a real-life tree planting organisation, meaning each virtual tree you grow results in a real one! This way you can study happy with the knowledge that you’re making a positive impact on both your grades and the environment!


Strict Workflow App logo

Strict Workflow

Chronic procrastinators, listen up! Strict Workflow enables you to structure your study using a strategy called the Pomodoro Technique. The app promotes short, sharp 25 minute bursts of productivity followed by 5-minute breaks. Here’s the deal. You give your work your full attention for the 25 minute period. That means no phone, no YouTube, no staring aimlessly at your ceiling fan. A countdown timer appears in the tool bar to help you keep track of the time, and lets you know when it’s time to break.




Memrise App logo

Learn anywhere, anytime with this fantastic flashcard app. Put your learning to the test by making your own flashcards or using one of the millions of sets already available. Memrise focuses on, but is not limited to, language acquisition; perfect for spicing up your Language B revision! Track your progress and compete against friends.



Evernote App logo

After searching tirelessly for a good note-taking app, I stumbled upon Evernote and have never looked back. As we become proficient on our laptops and tablets, many students are veering away from hand written notes in favour of typing them. Evernote is a platform for effective note-taking, allowing you to have all of your notes in one clearly organised place. What’s more, everything you write is backed up online as you go. This means no more last-minute panics when your computer decides to crash the night before your essay deadline.


Self Control

Ever found yourself sat at your desk perusing through your cousin’s friend’s girlfriend’s holiday snaps from 2008? If you’re shaking your head right now, don’t lie. Self Control allows you to block distracting websites whilst you work, preventing your inner procrastinator from taking a BuzzFeed quiz to find out what piece of obscure furniture you are*. Turn your computer on and off again, uninstall the app, whatever you do, Self Control ensures you can’t access those sites.


So, with hope, making use of these productivity boosting apps will rid you from distractions and stop you from going astray when studying. If even these apps can’t spur you to study, check out our blog on finding motivation for yet more advice on how to get down to work.

You can find even more App suggestions in our IB Survival Zine along with loads of other Free Resources!

*If you’re genuinely interested in finding out what piece of obscure furniture you are – enjoy.

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