You'll find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as many, many lovely tips. Enjoy.
Revision can seem like a huge task, but follow these 5 simple steps and you will guarantee exam success and an awesome IB grade. 1) Start Early! It’s never too early to start being awesome. So start right now. This doesn’t mean you have to revise 10 hours a day from now on – you…
Lots of students want to do well, and many of us feel pressure to perform at our best during the course. Unfortunately pressure can really stop us from doing as well as we should sometimes. In this article we’re going to look at a simple and effective way you can save yourself from being paralysed…
Have you ever heard someone claim that they work better under pressure? Maybe you have even told this to a teacher or friend yourself. Sadly, while lots of people have heard this myth and may even believe it themselves…it’s a lie. It’s great news if you can work well under pressure, and indeed one of…