You'll find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as many, many lovely tips. Enjoy.
Have you ever dreamt about completing a school assignment requirement by learning how to ski? Or perhaps by participating in marine life conservation efforts halfway across the world? Or maybe even writing your very own cookbook for the keto diet? If you answered yes to any of these, or for that matter any other out…
Choosing what maths to study is confusing for many, you’re not alone! Whether you’ve chosen your maths class for next year or not, I thought it would be helpful to create a super simple guide to the new IB maths courses. Read on for an easy explanation! What can I choose? You can choose between…
When you’re in the thick of your IB studies, it can be all too easy to lose sight of the benefits of the programme. So this week’s blog is going to remind you that it will all be worth it in the end! I spoke to a number of IB graduates, asking them why, in…
Here’s to starting the IB! Although the summer is coming to an end, for those of you going into DP1 this means the beginning of your exciting IB journey! Whether you’re feeling enthusiastic or apprehensive, I’m going to outline some tips as to how you can take control of your IB studies from day one.…
TOK: The Basic When it comes to TOK, there’s a lot of chat that precedes it: ‘ToK is pointless’… ‘ToK is a waste of time’… ‘ToK is mind-boggling’. Now, I’m not here to dispel these myths. When you’ve 6 subjects to worry about, theory of knowledge can sometimes seem the least of your worries. All…
Are you stuck in limbo trying to decide whether the IB is right for you? If so, here are 5 reasons why we think you should shake off any doubts and go for it! It’s well rounded If you can’t decide what subjects to take, not to worry! You choose 6 subjects in total. You’ll pick one subject from each subject group, including…
What are they? Group 3 subjects are what the IB refers to ‘Individuals and Societies’. The name actually does a pretty good job of explaining what they are: subjects about the people who make us this world. The courses are designed to give you a chance to explore a number of really interesting things, for…
What are they? Group 4 subjects are known in the IB as the ‘experimental sciences’. They are designed to give you the knowledge and scope to think critically about the world around us. When it comes to group 4 subjects, there are quite a few options available to you! While normally thought of the ‘sciences’,…