Below you will find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as hundreds of tips on how to excel at the IB.
Are you overwhelmed by IB Philosophy’s complexity, and you just can’t get your head around all the different theories? Read these 5 top tips to get yourself back in gear for acing your next philosophy exam! 1. Get an overview Have you ever read a paragraph in a text, taken a breath, and then the…
Congratulations, you’ve made it to mock season! Mocks are supposed to be a learning experience. They’re here to give you a feel of what an exam schedule is like so that the real ones are less intimidating. If you’re feeling a bit lost with revising for mocks that’s okay! Here we’ll take you through our…
It’s time for part 2 of our studying over the holidays series! You can find part 1 here. We hope that you’ve had a lovely time with your family and friends. If you’re ready to get back into studying before school starts up again, you’re in the right place! Here we’ll take you through our…
When you finally make it to the end of the semester, revision is almost definitely the last thing on your mind! However, taking the time now to plan out what you want to get done over the holidays will make your life much easier and actually give you more time to relax. Here we’ll take…
As far as IB subjects go, IB History is as challenging as it gets – but it doesn’t have to be. This week we’re giving you a 5 step recipe for IB history success! 1. Facts, facts and more facts! IB History is by far one of the most information dense IB subjects, as you’re…
One size fits all isn’t the best approach for reviewing different IB subjects – so this week, let’s tackle the challenge of studying IB psychology! 1. Summarise information There’s plenty of concepts and models to learn in IB psychology, which means that one of the most essential skills you need to hone is…
Geography is one of the broadest topics offered within the IB Diploma Programme. The course asks you to understand a wide range of physical and human processes, while using skills normally encountered in both the sciences and humanities. If you’re struggling to master this combination of knowledge and skills, don’t worry! Here we will take…